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Celexa (Citalopram)

Celexa (citalopram) is a stimulant in a gathering of medications called particular serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Celexa is utilized to treat misery. Celexa may likewise be utilized for purposes not recorded right now.

Significant data

You ought not utilize Celexa on the off chance that you additionally take pimozide, as the blend can cause issues with your heart cadence.

Try not to utilize Celexa on the off chance that you have utilized a MAO inhibitor in the previous 14 days, (for example, isocarboxazid, linezolid, phenelzine, rasagiline, selegiline, or tranylcypromine) or have gotten a methylene blue infusion. A lethal response may happen.

Some youngsters have considerations about suicide when first taking an energizer. Remain alarm to changes in your mind-set or indications. Report any new or exacerbating side effects to your primary care physician.

Report any new or intensifying side effects to your primary care physician, for example, disposition or conduct changes, uneasiness, alarm assaults, inconvenience dozing, or on the off chance that you feel imprudent, touchy, disturbed, antagonistic, forceful, anxious, hyperactive (intellectually or truly), increasingly discouraged, or have contemplations about suicide or harming yourself.

Try not to offer Celexa to anybody more youthful than 18 years of age without the counsel of a specialist. Citalopram isn’t endorsed for use in youngsters.

Prior to taking this medication

You ought not utilize Celexa on the off chance that you are sensitive to citalopram or escitalopram (Lexapro), or on the off chance that you likewise take pimozide.

Try not to utilize Celexa on the off chance that you have utilized a MAO inhibitor in the previous 14 days. A perilous medication cooperation could happen. MAO inhibitors incorporate isocarboxazid, linezolid, phenelzine, rasagiline, selegiline, tranylcypromine, or methylene blue infusion.

To make sure Celexa is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have:

  • a bleeding or blood clotting disorder;
  • liver or kidney disease;
  • narrow-angle glaucoma;
  • seizures or epilepsy;
  • heart disease, heart failure, a heart rhythm disorder, slow heartbeats, or recent history of heart attack;
  • personal or family history of Long QT syndrome;
  • an electrolyte imbalance (such as low levels of sodium, potassium or magnesium in your blood);
  • bipolar disorder (manic depression); or
  • a history of drug abuse or suicidal thoughts.

Additional information


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